5 of the best Beginner Guitar Amps

5 of the best Beginner Guitar Amps

5 of the Best Beginner Amps. I though i would put together a list of guitar amps that i would recommend for beginners for their first buy. I have personally tried most of these amps, some of them on a regular basis. Amps start at around £40.00 but as with...
Praying by Kesha Guitar Lesson

Praying by Kesha Guitar Lesson

How to play Praying by Kesha Learn how to play the whole song on guitar. This is a nice easy song to play with just four chords. The lesson uses a capo on the 3rd fret to make it as simple as...
Hamstead Artist 20 RT 12 Combo

Hamstead Artist 20 RT 12 Combo

I have been searching the web looking at UK build guitars and amps builders and came across Hamstead Amps. They are from Cambridgeshire in England and make high end handmade Guitar Amps. This is the Artist 20 RT 1×12 combo. I have had a listen to some youtube...
Playing over one chord. B minor

Playing over one chord. B minor

This is me Improvising over a one chord Vamp. It’s just playing a B minor chord throughout the backing track in a funk rock feel. I use a variety of minor scales over the top. The Backing track is on the Backing Track...