
Beginners Guide to Valve Amps
My students are often asking me what type of amp they should buy and i alwasy suggest getting a valve amp. This little video explains what a valve amp does.

Marshall Mini Jubilee Combo
2525C MINI JUBILEE The JCM25/50 Silver Jubilee Series was produced in 1987 to celebrate 25 years of Marshall Amplification and 50 years of Jim Marshall being in the music business. Inspired by this acclaimed series the 20 Watt Mini Jubilee combo and ‘small box’ head...

Laney Guitar Amps
I had the pleasure of visiting Laney HQ in Birmingham England to try out some of there amps. I was so impressed i even bought one Here are some demo videos of their products. My New Amp 🙂

New Amp from Two Rock
Two Rock have released a new amp called Traditional Clean. It is a super simple one channel amp designed to be a great with pedals. Here's Two Rocks description The Traditional Clean fills the void of a simple, huge, and clean pedal platform designed to bring all of...

Carr Mercury V guitar Amp
In 2003 Vintage Guitar’s Carr Mercury cover story exclaimed ‘Tone of the Gods’ Now, 13 years later, the amp that started the full featured, low powered, attenuated combo revolution --- returns!! The Mercury V, older British cousin of our award winning Skylark, is back...

Hamstead Artist 20 RT 12 Combo
I have been searching the web looking at UK build guitars and amps builders and came across Hamstead Amps. They are from Cambridgeshire in England and make high end handmade Guitar Amps. This is the Artist 20 RT 1x12 combo. I have had a listen to some youtube videos...

New Mesa Boogie Triple Crown TC-50
I have long been a fan of Mesa Boogie Amps. I have had two of them. My First mesa was an original Duel Rectifier Head that i should never have gotten rid of. That amp was amazing, beautiful cleans with fierce distortion and crazy amountsof headroom. My second wasa 50w...

Supro 1648RT Saturn Reverb Amp
Looking for a light weight vintage style 1x12 combo guitar amp that not only looks sunning but sounds great. Have a look at this1648RT Saturn Reverb from Supro The 1648RT Saturn Reverb amplifier is a future-retro amplifier designed for the working player who needs a...